I start my new job tomorrow, Monday. Honestly, I am grieving and nervous. I know it will be fine and nice to not be dirt poor, but I will miss all the perks of unemployment. If only I could get paid to contemplate and explore!
Alas, I will enter the ranks of a glorified copy girl. But I am thankful because I am making more than I was in Chicago! Which is really unheard of out here with the cost of living being lower. It is a blessing that I am grateful for!
I think what scares me the most about going back to full-time work... is exactly that, FULL-TIME WORK. I understand that I don't have any alternatives and that we all have to work to support ourselves- that isn't the problem. Lack of sunshine and fresh air is really my concern. Being cooped up in a cubicle making friends with paper clips and staples is my imminent demise. I know this may sound simplistic, traditional and unliberated, but it is the truth: I just really want to get married and be a mom. Vacuuming, making lunches, diapers, gardens, homework, spills and staring at an exhausted husband sounds like bliss to me:)
Happy 25th Birthday Suzie, sorry I couldn't be there!!
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