Saturday, September 26, 2009

My Eulogy for Mom

My Eulogy for Mom

Bethany Gates

September 26th, 2009

My Mother, Bonnie Ann, was the most beautiful woman I have ever known.

She always had a smile on her face, sparkly eyes, a word of encouragement, and a hug.  She was known by so many as a tender nurse who not only bandaged up your wounds, but spoke to your heart and gave the flame of your faith more kindling.  I remember her telling me, these past three years, as she would go off to work at the hospital, that she just wanted to be Jesus to her patients, to love them.  I asked her how she got through working those shifts, when she herself was in so much pain from treatments, she told me it was because of God's love for her, Jesus sacrifice on the cross for her, and His calling on her to love any and everyone he brought to her path.  This was my mother. 


My Mother was known by many as a faithful friend; who wanted the best for you, even if it meant saying things you didn't want to hear.  She was the kind of friend, who saw you in the light of Christ, who called out the best in you, and who believed in you when even you couldn't believe in yourself.  She was the kind of friend that would go "deep" in conversation, swimming through the mysteries of God, life and the human struggle, as well as the kind of friend that would also enjoy a quiet stroll outside, shopping for treasures, her beloved antiques, eating ice cream, and laughing over a cup of coffee.  This was my mother.


My Mother was known as a fun mom, who threw amazing birthday parties.  Not just one party, no; with mom, we had a friend party with all our 20+ classmates at some exciting, over-priced, over-stimulating, area kiddie attraction and a family party with all our aunts, uncles and cousins.  I remember numerous birthday parties, where Mom made me feel so special, each card, each gift, each candle was filled with so much forethought, love and excitement over my life.  This was my Mother.


For me, I knew my mother as a loving, nurturing, inspiring, faith-filled woman.  She was my biggest fan, and knew and loved me better than anyone.  My relationship with my mother has been the closest, most intimate of my life, for she knew me in the womb- all my idiosyncrasies, strengths and weaknesses.  She never ceased to affirm me, to speak into me who God made me to be, to remind me what was true.  She believed in me and loved me when I couldn't believe or love myself.  This was my Mother.


In addition, my mom taught me about Jesus, not just with words and Scripture, but with her touch, her listening ear, her attentive eyes, her warm voice, her hugs and kisses, and her heart that exuded the grace which she knew herself from God.  When I think about why I believe in God, why I trust Jesus, and why I love Jesus, the first thing that comes to mind is the childhood my parents gave me.  Through their 32 year marriage of commitment in the peaks and valleys of life, my parents gave my siblings and me a safe space to call home, to be free and loved into our person-hood, given wings to take flight.

It is in the childhood my mother gave me, that I first knew love and came to know God.  A childhood filled with laughter, cuddles, sillyness, prayers, make believe, and just enough discipline to still feel free.  I experienced the Presence of God through my mother and her steadfast commitment to my family and me.  She lived her life from the love she knew in her own walk with Jesus and generously spread this love to all who crossed her path. 


With her cancer diagnosis, I really saw my Mother's true character come forward.  She wanted a miracle from God, and didn't stop believing He could do it, and yet she yielded herself over to Him regardless.  Ultimately, she knew He was her Sustainer, she let herself and her days be unto Him. 


None of us wanted this, especially my Mother, she wanted more time to give, to love.  And I am tempted to despair, but something inside me says, "No, Jesus has been here too and He made a way through this."  This Something Inside, spurs me on to consider how Jesus too, asked for "this cup" to be passed from him, how he didn't want to die either and yet he surrendered himself to God.  And so did my Mother.  She never stopped praying, praising and loving God.  Each trial pushed her deeper and deeper into her relationship with Him, which really is all she ever needed and wanted.  This was my Mother.


As I grieve this tragic loss, I can honestly say there are not words for this kind of pain, just a soul cry deep in my gut.  I will miss her.  


In the book, The Wounds of God, Penelope Wilcock writes, "We can offer no solutions, no easy answers, to other people's tragedies…It is Jesus they need, and even he offers no answers.  He offers Himself.  It is when people find their way through to him that the pain of their life becomes the pain not of death, but of birth.  A thing of hope."  This was my Mother.


The GreenClean Maid
"All Natural, Eco-Friendly Cleaning"

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Hello Family and Friends,

I am sending you the link for the Daily Herald:
Bonnie's Obituary

Thank you,
The GreenClean Maid
"All Natural, Eco-Friendly Cleaning"

Monday, September 21, 2009

Update on Bonnie Gates Funeral Services

Hello dear family and friends,

I have not been able to check either my emails or voice mails today, but thank you all for your faithful love and prayers through this time.  I miss Mom greatly, but am trusting Jesus with the rest.

Love you all,

Here is the Updated and Changed Information:

Visitation: Friday September 25th, 2009 
4-8pm, 5pm-6pm Prayer and Sharing (Tentatively lead by Pastor Ted Olsen)

Frederich's Funeral Home
320 W Central Rd
Mt Prospect, IL 60056-2404
(847) 255-7800

Busse Florist: Mt. Prospect 847-259-2210 (Account is under Bonnie Gates)

Memorial Service: Saturday September 26th, 2009 @ 10am
(Officiated by Rev. Matthew Pechanio of Church of the Resurrection, Glen Ellyn)

The Orchard Evangelical Free Church Arlington Heights, 1330 N. Douglas Avenue, IL 60004

*Grave Site Ceremony to follow the Memorial Service at St. John's Cemetery in Arlington Heights
** Luncheon Reception for All, to follow the Grave Site Ceremony, back at The Orchard Church

The GreenClean Maid
"All Natural, Eco-Friendly Cleaning"

Sunday, September 20, 2009

I love you, Mom

Dear friends and family,

Stephen and I are writing this to you with tear stained faces and heavy hearts.  Our Mother, Bonnie Ann (McLennan) Gates has passed this evening with her family by her side.  More information will follow, but for now Thursday, Visitation and Wake service at Frederich's funeral home.  Friday 10am, Memorial Service at The Orchard Evangelical Free Church in Arlington Heights.   

Please pray for us (Joseph, Bethany, Hannah, Stephen, Samuel, Roderick and Marilyn McLennan) at this time. There are no words for this kind of thing.  All we want to do is honor our Mother's beautiful life, love for the Lord, commitment to her family and servant heart. 

 Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us sinners.  Amen.

Bethany and Stephen

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Brief Update on Bonnie and Family


This will be brief, as I am off to bed. 

We got word yesterday from the Hospice RN that Mom is in a coma, and has 24-48 hours.  My grandparents, Rod and Marilyn McLennan arrived safely from North Carolina yesterday, and friends from Iowa, Mike and Vicki Brooks as well.  My brother, Stephen and sister, Hannah, and Dad, along with dear friend, Debbie, are all staying at the house, keeping vigil.

We had a wonderful time last night as a family (with great friends too) enjoying dinner, praying and worshiping by Mom's bedside with Rev. Matthew Pechanio leading a short prayer service.

It was a beautiful time and I know Mom would be so pleased and contented with all this love and worship to God.  That was her heart.

This all feels too soon, I know I am not ready.  A lot of fear, anxiety, doubt, and question has gotten stirred up in my soul the past few days.  I am just asking Jesus to hold me fast, that is really all I can do.

  Thank you,

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Re: From today

Hello Friends and Family,

I have set up a Lotsa Helping Hands website to stay connected to all of you and coordinate our needs.  Please go to this website: and sign up on the right hand side of the form, this is the Request to Join the Community.

Once you've done this, I will begin to receive emails back stating that there are "pending members".  Then I will "approve" you as a member and you can access the site at any time, and sign up for various tasks.  As a member you will be automatically added to the Friends of Bonnie Gates and Family community and sent instructions for setting a password and signing-in.

I realize that we are in the last leg of this journey and Mom will be going home soon, but I know our family will need all the support we can get in the following months- especially around the holidays and when Dad gets the house ready for sale.

So much change.  Lord, have mercy.


On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 12:19 AM, bethany gates <> wrote:

Dear friends and family,

Thank you all for the outpouring of support, I feel very loved.  If you feel so inclined, please email or call my Dad, Joe at or 847-845-1648. 

Good news from today:

An amazing answer to prayer- the employee assistance program through Mom's work within Advocate Medical approved 24 hour care giving for us!  This is huge, we didn't even ask for it- rather I put a call in today for weekend help during the night hours, as we all need some sleep- and then within one business day (which never happens) we get tons more than we ever thought possible.  It is a big deal to get this, because it is completely paid for.  Praise God!  We get to be just family now... and sleep.

In addition, Mom was still very lucid today and responsive, though barely speaking.  We had an amazing time as a family tonight; my dad, brother (Stephen), sister (Hannah) and I gathered around Mom and poured our hearts out to her about what we were thankful for about her, how much we loved her, favorite childhood memories, how her legacy of faith and love for God has influenced all of us so much and been the greatest gift of all, and things we needed forgiveness for.  It was truly sacred and precious, I will never forget this time all my life.   

For those of you that knew my mom and did not, I wanted to share with you how her love, unconditional affirmation and acceptance, and consistent belief in me is what pointed me to the Father's love.  She has been my biggest fan and cheerleader, believing in me when I wasn't deserving and didn't believe in myself, seeing me with the Father's eyes.  There is no other love like that which flows from the Trinity, and I have tasted this in my relationship with my mother.  Her tender love, affection, ability to "see" into me, and call out what is true are the foundation stones around the Cornerstone of my life and womanhood.  

Please continue to thank God for this amazing woman, and how her love for God will produce a great harvest. 

In regards to prayer requests:
- Her pain is better managed, and now with consistent care-giving some of the problems we were having are resolved.  Thank you God for this abundant provision!
- Please pray for my dad, that God provides community for him to grieve freely, especially once Mom passes.
- Please pray for my sister, Hannah and brother, Stephen, that God provides them with ease in logistics pertaining to their college and work responsibilities.  Specifically, that Hannah can get more shifts covered at Starbucks to be with all us.
- Please pray that my mom's parents, Rod and Marilyn McLennan arrive safely on Friday as they are driving in from North Carolina.
- Please pray that I make time to slow down and just be with God... in this.  It is so much easier to go, go, go.

Thank you again.

Peace of Christ,

Sent 9-14-09:

Please pray for Bonnie as she awoke twice in the night and once just now with "terrible pain", a "7" on a pain scale of 10.  We will meet with the Hospice RN for advice and probably increase the frequency of her pain medication.  I was able to get some soft food down and give her some medication, but her swallowing ability is weakening. 

Please pray that she is able to go to the bathroom and get some relief from the buildup in her bowels, the ascites (fluid retention) is back.

We had a wonderful time with her last night, Dad, Stephen, David, Rebecca and I sat with her for 1 hour as she wanted us to wake her up, so she could be with us.  I rubbed her hands and feet, we talked and laughed, and then David played and sang some of his songs and a few others.  We closed with the song, "We Love You, Lord" and prayer, Stephen annointed Mom's head with oil. 

It was a precious time and I desperately want more this week.

With Christ,
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: bethany gates <>
- Show quoted text -
Date: Sun, Sep 13, 2009 at 12:00 AM
Subject: Blessed Times
To:, Annie <>, Deborah Royse <>, Joe Gates <>,, Hannah Gates <>, Grandpa Mac <>, Uncle Bill and Jo Schuster <>, Mike and Vicki <>, Bob & Barb Gates <>, Bernadette Gates <>,, Olsen Web Design <>, Amber Allan <>,, eirik olsen <>, Tsinia Borgman <>, jamie <>

Hello again,

More blessed times with my mom.  Thank you God.  She picked out her funeral dress, and we went through jewelry tonight for each of us kids.  We sang a few hymns to her.  And cried through it all.  She is more beautiful now than ever, and I wouldn't want to be any where else in the world.  Thank you God for this time. 

My Aunt Bernie is here, one of Dad's sisters, she has come to give me a night off from being "on call".  It is so great having my Aunt Bernie and Diane here.  We made brownies and laughed our way through funny stories about my mom and dad, as we oohed and ahhed over their wedding album.  Mom would've loved this and planted this passion for family and history in me, not to mention brownies.

Mom is in her bed sleeping now beside Dad in her very own bedroom; she told us last night she wanted to die in her bed in her bedroom.  So, we had some wonderful friends come over and carry Mom up the stairs wrapped in a sheet, kind of like the crippled man being lowered to Jesus through the roof- I understand that story more now.  It was such a joyous event for Mom to rest in her bed, she beamed with a big smile when she awoke at 6pm with energy to be with us.  She thanked God for getting her there and for all the people that helped her.  Jesus didn't heal her today like the crippled man, but he gave her beautiful rest in her precious bedroom with my dad sleeping beside her.     

Healing in the Scriptures has been so easy for me to gloss over in years past, it is hugely penetrating to my heart comprehending in my little way how our God became Man and walked around healing really desperate, hurting, sick people.  I think I have undermined God's heart for the hurting.  And yet, I struggle to trust Him for His Promise of a faithful, abiding Presence and sure Transformation when I hear Mom say "God is taking me away."

Her hibiscus bush, new this year, has had two huge 10" bright pink blooms and her hydrangeas just keep on coming.  I picked a bunch of flowers, including the hibiscus and she gasped at how magnificently beautiful they were- and then she said with a longing beyond words, "God is taking me away".  At this point my Aunt Diane and I burst into tears at Mom's feet- I was overwhelmed with grief and haunted by the question "God why don't you heal her? you are taking her away by not healing her" and so I did what I could only do, cry out to Him with my Aunt and Mom this very conflict. 

Friends and Family, I really don't understand why this is all happening, I don't know why God is allowing this and I am terrified at the mountain size hole in my heart and life and family her dieing will create... and I want so much to have sure faith in God's goodness and ever faithfulness, but more and more I am feeling like Jesus, "my God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"  And I recall something Mario Bergner shared at Redeemed Lives a few years ago, how when Jesus cried this out on the cross, he didn't really want the answer, "You are the atonement for the sins of the world, remember Jesus, we agreed on this,"  no, He really wanted God's Very Presence With Him- He wanted that Oneness He had known before the foundations of the world, the kind of Intimacy and Love that breathes life into the dead, that expels all darkness, where fear and shame have no ground and the Unbearable is Bearable.  And because of Jesus, I can have God's Presence with me in my own "Unbearable"- please pray on this, that I will open myself more to receive God's Presence, that the eyes of my heart will be enlightened that I may know what is the hope to which he has called me, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints (Eph 1:18).

I realize that God doesn't give us answers most of the time, probably because no answer or reason would be enough to assuage our deep pain and agony in this life, but instead He gives us Himself.  Please pray that my family can go here- that we can still ourselves enough to let His Presence dwell with us. 

On that note, I am off to bed, having had only 4 hours of sleep.  Thank you all!

Peace of Christ,


Hello prayer partners,

Thank you for all the support, I continually marvel at how loving and responsive Church of the Resurrection has been to my family's needs. 

Here is the update:

Mom has been a lot more lucid and peaceable the past few days, now that we switched to a better pain medicine and with all the "spiritual sleep" she has been getting.  A colleague friend of my dad's told me that the sleep, though inordinate, is a sacred time and space for Mom to work out things with God and come to fuller peace- almost like while her body sleeps, her soul is communing with God and He is transforming her.  I thought that was so beautiful and true because when we are asleep our very busy reasoning minds are at peace, for God to do His work in our hearts.  This has really touched me at this time because I want more than anything for my Mom to sense the Lord's Presence with her, his faithfulness to her.

Thankfully, I have been able to leave my cleaning business to my amazing crew of women, fellow rez attenders, (Rebecca Hexom, Johannah Swank, and Alysa Luoendee).  Praise God for faithful, hard-working friends!  Being self-employed has allowed me such flexibility, I am amazed how the timing worked out this way- though difficult and more stressful than I have ever experienced, God has provided.

With this time, I have been busy taking care of mom, coordinating relief care-givers, and planning the funeral with mom and dad.  There has been some fun too: I gave mom a pedicure and manicure last night, while we talked openly about things, more openly than we have before.  Please continue to pray that God clears her mind so that my siblings, dad and me can have more lucid times with her.  When she was admitted to the hospital she was very confused, hallucinating and delirious- I have been hoping that would lift and we would get "mom" back mentally, even if momentarily, I am thankful and surprised by this event now. 

My Aunt Diane, my mom's youngest sister, flew in from Houston yesterday and has been such a comfort and blessing.  She is a prayer warrior and continues to point all of us to Jesus.  Pray for her family back home, Kevin (husband), Tyler (18), Kolbie (15), and Justin (13) as they are sharing her with us. 

And lastly, please pray for me and the Gates and McLennan families as we enter into grieving more- I have been so busy lately that I haven't slowed down much to feel, by choice and circumstances.  And within the past 48 hours, my numbness wall has begun to crumble- leaving way for the pain to pour in, slowly and like a rush at times.  I am savoring these moments, with her still breathing, still warm to the touch- and the tears that stain our cheeks.  This is sacred ground, I know, Gethsemane comes to mind.  Please continue to worship God for how He is completing the good work he began in my mom when she was 3 years old, and ask him for more sacred grieving for all of us.

Peace of Christ.

In Jesus Name, Our Suffering God,

The GreenClean Maid
"All Natural, Eco-Friendly Cleaning"

The GreenClean Maid
"All Natural, Eco-Friendly Cleaning"

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

From today

Dear friends and family,

Thank you all for the outpouring of support, I feel very loved.  If you feel so inclined, please email or call my Dad, Joe at or 847-845-1648. 

Good news from today:

An amazing answer to prayer- the employee assistance program through Mom's work within Advocate Medical approved 24 hour care giving for us!  This is huge, we didn't even ask for it- rather I put a call in today for weekend help during the night hours, as we all need some sleep- and then within one business day (which never happens) we get tons more than we ever thought possible.  It is a big deal to get this, because it is completely paid for.  Praise God!  We get to be just family now... and sleep.

In addition, Mom was still very lucid today and responsive, though barely speaking.  We had an amazing time as a family tonight; my dad, brother (Stephen), sister (Hannah) and I gathered around Mom and poured our hearts out to her about what we were thankful for about her, how much we loved her, favorite childhood memories, how her legacy of faith and love for God has influenced all of us so much and been the greatest gift of all, and things we needed forgiveness for.  It was truly sacred and precious, I will never forget this time all my life.   

For those of you that knew my mom and did not, I wanted to share with you how her love, unconditional affirmation and acceptance, and consistent belief in me is what pointed me to the Father's love.  She has been my biggest fan and cheerleader, believing in me when I wasn't deserving and didn't believe in myself, seeing me with the Father's eyes.  There is no other love like that which flows from the Trinity, and I have tasted this in my relationship with my mother.  Her tender love, affection, ability to "see" into me, and call out what is true are the foundation stones around the Cornerstone of my life and womanhood.  

Please continue to thank God for this amazing woman, and how her love for God will produce a great harvest. 

In regards to prayer requests:
- Her pain is better managed, and now with consistent care-giving some of the problems we were having are resolved.  Thank you God for this abundant provision!
- Please pray for my dad, that God provides community for him to grieve freely, especially once Mom passes.
- Please pray for my sister, Hannah and brother, Stephen, that God provides them with ease in logistics pertaining to their college and work responsibilities.  Specifically, that Hannah can get more shifts covered at Starbucks to be with all us.
- Please pray that my mom's parents, Rod and Marilyn McLennan arrive safely on Friday as they are driving in from North Carolina.
- Please pray that I make time to slow down and just be with God... in this.  It is so much easier to go, go, go.

Thank you again.

Peace of Christ,

Sent 9-14-09:

Please pray for Bonnie as she awoke twice in the night and once just now with "terrible pain", a "7" on a pain scale of 10.  We will meet with the Hospice RN for advice and probably increase the frequency of her pain medication.  I was able to get some soft food down and give her some medication, but her swallowing ability is weakening. 

Please pray that she is able to go to the bathroom and get some relief from the buildup in her bowels, the ascites (fluid retention) is back.

We had a wonderful time with her last night, Dad, Stephen, David, Rebecca and I sat with her for 1 hour as she wanted us to wake her up, so she could be with us.  I rubbed her hands and feet, we talked and laughed, and then David played and sang some of his songs and a few others.  We closed with the song, "We Love You, Lord" and prayer, Stephen annointed Mom's head with oil. 

It was a precious time and I desperately want more this week.

With Christ,
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: bethany gates <>
- Show quoted text -
Date: Sun, Sep 13, 2009 at 12:00 AM
Subject: Blessed Times
To:, Annie <>, Deborah Royse <>, Joe Gates <>,, Hannah Gates <>, Grandpa Mac <>, Uncle Bill and Jo Schuster <>, Mike and Vicki <>, Bob & Barb Gates <>, Bernadette Gates <>,, Olsen Web Design <>, Amber Allan <>,, eirik olsen <>, Tsinia Borgman <>, jamie <>

Hello again,

More blessed times with my mom.  Thank you God.  She picked out her funeral dress, and we went through jewelry tonight for each of us kids.  We sang a few hymns to her.  And cried through it all.  She is more beautiful now than ever, and I wouldn't want to be any where else in the world.  Thank you God for this time. 

My Aunt Bernie is here, one of Dad's sisters, she has come to give me a night off from being "on call".  It is so great having my Aunt Bernie and Diane here.  We made brownies and laughed our way through funny stories about my mom and dad, as we oohed and ahhed over their wedding album.  Mom would've loved this and planted this passion for family and history in me, not to mention brownies.

Mom is in her bed sleeping now beside Dad in her very own bedroom; she told us last night she wanted to die in her bed in her bedroom.  So, we had some wonderful friends come over and carry Mom up the stairs wrapped in a sheet, kind of like the crippled man being lowered to Jesus through the roof- I understand that story more now.  It was such a joyous event for Mom to rest in her bed, she beamed with a big smile when she awoke at 6pm with energy to be with us.  She thanked God for getting her there and for all the people that helped her.  Jesus didn't heal her today like the crippled man, but he gave her beautiful rest in her precious bedroom with my dad sleeping beside her.     

Healing in the Scriptures has been so easy for me to gloss over in years past, it is hugely penetrating to my heart comprehending in my little way how our God became Man and walked around healing really desperate, hurting, sick people.  I think I have undermined God's heart for the hurting.  And yet, I struggle to trust Him for His Promise of a faithful, abiding Presence and sure Transformation when I hear Mom say "God is taking me away."

Her hibiscus bush, new this year, has had two huge 10" bright pink blooms and her hydrangeas just keep on coming.  I picked a bunch of flowers, including the hibiscus and she gasped at how magnificently beautiful they were- and then she said with a longing beyond words, "God is taking me away".  At this point my Aunt Diane and I burst into tears at Mom's feet- I was overwhelmed with grief and haunted by the question "God why don't you heal her? you are taking her away by not healing her" and so I did what I could only do, cry out to Him with my Aunt and Mom this very conflict. 

Friends and Family, I really don't understand why this is all happening, I don't know why God is allowing this and I am terrified at the mountain size hole in my heart and life and family her dieing will create... and I want so much to have sure faith in God's goodness and ever faithfulness, but more and more I am feeling like Jesus, "my God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"  And I recall something Mario Bergner shared at Redeemed Lives a few years ago, how when Jesus cried this out on the cross, he didn't really want the answer, "You are the atonement for the sins of the world, remember Jesus, we agreed on this,"  no, He really wanted God's Very Presence With Him- He wanted that Oneness He had known before the foundations of the world, the kind of Intimacy and Love that breathes life into the dead, that expels all darkness, where fear and shame have no ground and the Unbearable is Bearable.  And because of Jesus, I can have God's Presence with me in my own "Unbearable"- please pray on this, that I will open myself more to receive God's Presence, that the eyes of my heart will be enlightened that I may know what is the hope to which he has called me, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints (Eph 1:18).

I realize that God doesn't give us answers most of the time, probably because no answer or reason would be enough to assuage our deep pain and agony in this life, but instead He gives us Himself.  Please pray that my family can go here- that we can still ourselves enough to let His Presence dwell with us. 

On that note, I am off to bed, having had only 4 hours of sleep.  Thank you all!

Peace of Christ,


Hello prayer partners,

Thank you for all the support, I continually marvel at how loving and responsive Church of the Resurrection has been to my family's needs. 

Here is the update:

Mom has been a lot more lucid and peaceable the past few days, now that we switched to a better pain medicine and with all the "spiritual sleep" she has been getting.  A colleague friend of my dad's told me that the sleep, though inordinate, is a sacred time and space for Mom to work out things with God and come to fuller peace- almost like while her body sleeps, her soul is communing with God and He is transforming her.  I thought that was so beautiful and true because when we are asleep our very busy reasoning minds are at peace, for God to do His work in our hearts.  This has really touched me at this time because I want more than anything for my Mom to sense the Lord's Presence with her, his faithfulness to her.

Thankfully, I have been able to leave my cleaning business to my amazing crew of women, fellow rez attenders, (Rebecca Hexom, Johannah Swank, and Alysa Luoendee).  Praise God for faithful, hard-working friends!  Being self-employed has allowed me such flexibility, I am amazed how the timing worked out this way- though difficult and more stressful than I have ever experienced, God has provided.

With this time, I have been busy taking care of mom, coordinating relief care-givers, and planning the funeral with mom and dad.  There has been some fun too: I gave mom a pedicure and manicure last night, while we talked openly about things, more openly than we have before.  Please continue to pray that God clears her mind so that my siblings, dad and me can have more lucid times with her.  When she was admitted to the hospital she was very confused, hallucinating and delirious- I have been hoping that would lift and we would get "mom" back mentally, even if momentarily, I am thankful and surprised by this event now. 

My Aunt Diane, my mom's youngest sister, flew in from Houston yesterday and has been such a comfort and blessing.  She is a prayer warrior and continues to point all of us to Jesus.  Pray for her family back home, Kevin (husband), Tyler (18), Kolbie (15), and Justin (13) as they are sharing her with us. 

And lastly, please pray for me and the Gates and McLennan families as we enter into grieving more- I have been so busy lately that I haven't slowed down much to feel, by choice and circumstances.  And within the past 48 hours, my numbness wall has begun to crumble- leaving way for the pain to pour in, slowly and like a rush at times.  I am savoring these moments, with her still breathing, still warm to the touch- and the tears that stain our cheeks.  This is sacred ground, I know, Gethsemane comes to mind.  Please continue to worship God for how He is completing the good work he began in my mom when she was 3 years old, and ask him for more sacred grieving for all of us.

Peace of Christ.

In Jesus Name, Our Suffering God,

The GreenClean Maid
"All Natural, Eco-Friendly Cleaning"

Monday, September 14, 2009

Prayer for Bonnie

Please pray for Bonnie as she awoke twice in the night and once just now with "terrible pain", a "7" on a pain scale of 10.  We will meet with the Hospice RN for advice and probably increase the frequency of her pain medication.  I was able to get some soft food down and give her some medication, but her swallowing ability is weakening. 

Please pray that she is able to go to the bathroom and get some relief from the buildup in her bowels, the ascites (fluid retention) is back.

We had a wonderful time with her last night, Dad, Stephen, David, Rebecca and I sat with her for 1 hour as she wanted us to wake her up, so she could be with us.  I rubbed her hands and feet, we talked and laughed, and then David played and sang some of his songs and a few others.  We closed with the song, "We Love You, Lord" and prayer, Stephen annointed Mom's head with oil. 

It was a precious time and I desperately want more this week.

With Christ,
The GreenClean Maid
"All Natural, Eco-Friendly Cleaning"